Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Are you sitting down?

You know when you say out loud "things couldn't possibly get any worse" ? Well here is a lesson for you, don't ever say that cause the universe is going to try you out every time!

We got a call from bank manager #6, apparently our entire loan has been done wrong and they need to start the whole process again because they cannot make anymore payments to the builder with wrong paperwork.

They are now getting a re-evaluation done of the land and starting again. Are they nuts?

They called the builder and told him there would be no more payments until it was sorted. He then called us and said he was going to down tools and go to another job and I cannot blame him on that one.

Then they held out $247K, yep, that is correct, deposit in a fixed term deposit without our consent so we cannot even pay the builder to keep going. This money was supposed to pay for the house, now we cannot as they have held everything. Oh yes I hear you say "they cannot do that" but they have.

Today I call our solicitor and the ombudsman. Please watch the news tonight, if there is a crazy lady being lead away with a towel over her head accused of shooting up an entire NAB bank can someone come and bail me out?