Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ok, one more bloody Council story

So you thought you had read the last council story here?....... Me too!

This one, like the others made my day so I thought I would share them with you cause that's the kind of person I am.

So it goes like this...... on Monday I answered a call from, lets say, trusted council employee, "Hello Mrs Nichols it's .... here. I have just had a look at your application for your shed. I noticed the colours you have chosen are surf mist, Um we don't approve anything to be built in surf mist at Murrumbateman. You will have to choose another colour and re submit your plans, that will only take a week or two and cost more money"

So I said " Oh I guess it won't match my home then that you have already approved to be built in surf mist then"

Long silence

"Oh really, did we? I will have to call you back, I don't know why we would have done that"

Mmmmmmmm 2 Minutes later

"Hello Mrs Nichols, Um yes we did approve your house, we will approve your shed but won't issue your building certificate until you drive out to Yass and sign the paperwork"

The rest of the conversation is not important or printable here.... I drove to Yass, only 40minutes each way so no biggie!! I put my initials on the paper and I drove home.

Now I have a theory that the Yass council has shares in the oil companies, anyone with me?

Offending Surf Mist colour

Have a lovely day and yes pictures will happen very soon


  1. OMG how useless are they! Actually, how offensive are they. These people run our country. I have a surf mist roof... it is classified as totally appropriate for the character code that we built under... but that's in my council..... wouldn't want any character in Yass, would we! IT WILL GET BETTER, IT WILL! A-M xx

  2. You should have offered to do it in hot pink.

  3. Submitted deck plans over a month ago, they still haven't looked at it despite their assurances it would only take 10 working days. They also lost the DA twice and the plans once, absolutely hopeless, never building under Yass council ever again. My house originally took 6 months to be approved. How long should it take for a mickey mouse deck? Surely not long you would hope.
